Saturday, March 5, 2011

Art Students Fight Against Faulty Equipment

Students within the University of Oklahoma Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts petition against faulty equipment Monday.

"I'm a bit upset at the moment," Tyson Manning Photography Senior said. Manning started this discussion Monday after he sent out a mass e-mail to his classmates with the subject line: "YOU pay student fees - WHY does nothing work?."

Students pay class fees each semester according to their specific college and also general university fees. OU School of Art students pay nearly $300 in fine arts supply fees and arts and sciences technology fees according to a summary of fees for the OU School of Art students.

"I am paying labs fees and the school pays the IT department to take care of technology...Yet why does nothing work?," Manning said.

Many students were conscious of what their fees were applied to and equally frustrated; however, some students were not as concerned.

"Who really looks at that [bursar bill]? Either you have financial aid pay for it or your parents pay for it." Byron Towles Visual Communications Senior said.

Looking past the fees, both Manning and Towles agreed that there are printers and other lab equipment that have not worked all semester long within the OU School of Art, and feel it is impeding on their educational opportunities.

Within the Visual Communications lab there are printers that are "unbelievably unreliable," Towles said. He explained there is a lot of work to be done when the printer is working. "I know no one enjoys doing that, but at the same time, we have to do what is necessary to use a machine that requires a lot of annoying and tedious work," he said.

Manning explained, "I am in a screen printing class and I can't ever log into any of the computers...and the paper printer has been broken since the start of the semester." He went on to explain how for his photography classes, the water temperature in the basement isn't at the correct temperature for developing film properly.

Manning is collecting information on all the faulty equipment within the whole OU School of Art from his classmates and other art majors, then plans to compile the common problems into a petition.

In speaking out to his fellow art students Manning said: "I'm mad and you should be also. You're paying for broken crap."

Andrew Strout, professor of photography, explained that the OU Facilities Management is working on the problems.

Strout said the OU School of Art dark room should have cold water sometime in the near future. He explained that the school's water supply is being connected to the new plant being built by the Huston Huffman Fitness and Recreation Center.

Towles said the printers in the visual communications labs are working; however, they are more complicated than before to operate.

Nevertheless, Manning is still planning on petitioning for the remaining faulty equipment within the college.

"Come Monday, the petition will be ready," Manning said.

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